10 months ago
Release 3.20 Patch
The version 3.20 patch introduces a collection of additional features and fixes on top of the previously released version 3.20, including our new multi party conference feature and lots of fixes and improvements.
1.1.1 General:
- Agents now have the ability to cancel outbound calls or callbacks while they're connecting. Previously, they had to wait until a call timed out or was rejected before closing the interaction.
- Hold badges now include a timer for both calls and conferences (transfers).
- Wrap codes in interactions and After Call Work (ACW) are now conveniently arranged in alphabetical order within the dropdown menu.
- Dialpad, directory, and transfer to queue modals now allow transfers even after a call has ended in the background.
- Various reliability improvements.
1.1.2 Conferencing:
We're excited to introduce our new multi-party conferencing feature, enabling up to six members to join a conference call. Administrators, please contact your account manager to learn how to enable this feature for your contact centre.
General Changes
- Conference controls for each conference participant are always visible
- Join/Swap buttons are no longer inside the call controls footer, but float at the bottom of the task (see screenshot below)
- Live/hold/connecting badges are always icon-only, we no longer show a text label
- Slight tweaks to each participant row UI
The new join/swap buttons/UI on desktop
Contact Centres With Multi-party Disabled
Transfers/conference on desktop, with multi party disabled
Transfers/conference on softphone, with multi party disabled
Contact Centres With Multi-party Enabled
- The current agent will now be visible within the conference.
- All participating agents will have access to the conference view and can manage all conference members. Previously, additional agents would only see a call.
- UI enhancements.
- Support for up to six participants (including the agent), via phone number, queue, or direct transfer to agent. See screenshot for details.
Transfers/conference on desktop, with multi party enabled
Transfers/conference on softphone, with multi party enabled
1.1.3 Email
- Agents can now reply to all recipients on email tasks.
- Email tasks now display all 'to' and 'cc' recipients, not just the main recipient.
- When replying or forwarding an email, the agent cursor now starts at the beginning of the email editor.
- General improvements have been made to enhance email functionality.
1.1.4 Fixes
- Fixed an issue where outbound calls would trigger an incoming call notification.
- Corrected ACW interaction duration and displayed times.
- Fixed an issue where the "today" filter sometimes failed to display interaction history for the current day.
- Fixed formatting issue where new lines were not displayed correctly in emails.
- Fixed an issue where the agent's away timer did not reset to zero.
- Softphone: The transfer to queue modal will now consistently close upon transfer.