Release 3.13
In this release of the newly branded CloudWave will be rolling out a game changing Email functionality. CloudWave is also committed to continually maintaining and improving its security design and has implemented a number of security enhancements as well as fixes that improve the agent experience.
The Neon branding is changing to NEONNOW, which you will see in the product and in our soon to be released updated website. The branding refresh encompasses the addition of a significant number of new features to NEON, including CONCIERGE, CONVERSATIONS, INSIGHTS and EMAIL. If you want more information about the branding refresh or any of these new features, please contact
Email is now available as a supported channel in NEONNOW, along with Voice, Chat and Tasks (if enabled by your admin). The email functionality will be handled in the same efficient manner as chats, tasks and voice calls. This channel will be provided via the tasks function of NEONNOW. This will now make the NEONNOW a true “Omni-Channel” contact centre application.
1. Email Features
1.1 Create a new email:
- A NEONNOW agent can create an email via the create a task functionality in the NEONNOW workspace (if enabled)
1.2. Add attachments:
- A NEONNOW agent can add attachments to the email that they are creating. The file types that cannot be attached via the email function can be found here:
An agent can view and add attachments from inbound and outbound emails.
Once attached, the progress of the uploads of the attachments are displayed.
1.3 Reply/Forward to Inbound Emails:
- NEONNOW allows agents to reply to incoming emails from customers that are created as tasks as well as forward the emails on to other agents.
1.4 ACW initiated on Email Replies:
When an email from a client is replied, the task should go into ACW as per every other type of task as long as its enabled.
2. Fixes
- When making a call from the landing page, the directory page is no longer blank when personal contacts are turned off.
- When a task is in a rejected/missed/chat/call state, the corresponding icon is now centred.
- Call monitoring | Agents unable to receive calls after listening in to call
3. Enhancements
- Chat placeholder is now “say something” to align with email builder.
- Accordions inside attached data are default open when:
- Softphone: less than 5 lines and less than 500 characters.
- Desktop: less than 10 lines and less than 500 characters.
- Conversation accordion is now open by default on chats on softphone.
- NEON app padding is now 20px down from 40px on all screen sizes.
- NEON app padding (softphone) is now 10px down from 15px.
- Accepting a task now clearly shows the spinner on the button.
- Interaction outcome notes field styling.
- Customer profile column having large amounts of scrollable white space.
- Softphone queue name/timer weight is now in line with design.
- Font weight on avatar initials is closer to design.
- Dropdown font sizes are now correct (smaller) on softphone.
- Badge colours on user list are now pastel colours.
- Scrollbars are now overlayed on top instead of moving content to the side.
- Bold font weight is now lower for paragraph text.
- Removed Inspiration button/panel on desktop/workspace.